Effective management of metabolic disorders is critical to herd health.

Milk fever, retained placenta, metritis, ketosis, mastitis, lameness, rumen indigestion, and displaced abomasum (DA) are costly health concerns for today’s dairies.

  • These illnesses reduce dry matter intake (DMI) and deplete nutrients needed for healthy milk production.
  • A mere 24 hours off feed results in changes to rumen pH:
    • Causes good bacteria to die off
    • Makes it difficult to get cows back on feed
Ready… Set… Drench!
See our simple, step-by-step video on proper drench technique, demonstrated by Dr. Joe Bender.
PowerPak™ is the perfect solution for the instant and residual energy cows need to quickly return to peak production.

Drenching provides essential rehydration and nutritional supplementation.

Drenching is one of the most beneficial ways to increase treatment success rates2
For sick cow treatment…
Helps improve the chances of a full recovery and quicker return to productivity
For transition management…
Helps prevent fresh cow transition problems and enhances milk production in early lactation


1. Kopcha M. Oral fluid therapy for adult dairy cattle. Michigan Dairy Review. April 2008. Available at: https://msu.edu/~mdr/vol13no2/kopcha.html. Accessed: 7/6/17.

2. Currin J. Fluid therapy for sick cows: To pump or not to pump. Virginia Tech. Dairy Pipeline. October 2007. Available at: http://www.sites.ext.vt.edu/newsletter-archive/dairy/2007-10/FluidTherapy.html. Accessed: 7/19/17.

Large-volume drenches should be a key component of a therapeutic protocol for any cow with depressed appetite, high fever, or other symptoms, as well as an important part of a fresh cow protocol.”2

Dr. John Currin

Extension Dairy Veterinarian

Virginia Cooperative Extension

Virginia Tech * Virginia State University